Sunday, December 2, 2012

Zambia in all its glory

Zambia is regarded by many as one of the last true wildernesses and this continent's greatest secret. From the mighty Victoria Falls to the world renowned National Parks of the Luangwa and Zambezi Valleys there are incredible opportunities to explore and a vast range of habitats, species, terrain and natural wonders.

Visitor numbers are small - Zambia is not on the main ‘tourist trail’. Her vast areas of pristine wilderness have remained unchanged for millennia and the opportunity to explore these areas and to see the wildlife that inhabits them without having to share the experience with too many others is a privilege hard to find these days.

Norman Carr, the pioneer of the walking safari said that from a vehicle you can see Africa but when on foot you experience and feel Africa. You become part of the landscape, no longer just a spectator.

Conservation and creating opportunities in our local community remain priorities, and guiding is still based on the principles that Norman developed. We are all proud to continue in his footsteps and carry on his legacy.

The guides in Zambia, particularly Luangwa Guides, are renowned as the best in Africa; two guides from the Luangwa Valley have come first or second in Wanderlust’s Guide of the World Awards including our very own Abraham Banda in 2010.

The guiding team at Norman Carr Safaris is widely regarded as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable in Zambia - many were trained by Norman Carr himself. The Company has set up and is committed to a program of guide exchanges allowing us to expand our knowledge by experiencing similar wilderness operations both in other Parks in Zambia and also around the world such as Knight Inlet, Canada.

Every visitor to Zambia will leave with memories of the friendly welcome they received. It’s a big country – bigger that France but with a population of only around 13 million (UN 2010).

There are many different tribes and speak many different languages but the official language is English and the overriding attitude is one of great happiness and friendliness.

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